I Jumped On The Celery Juice Trend And These Are My Thoughts

On her quest to living a healthier life in 2019, our contributor, Katherine Hilton, jumped on the celery juice trend and is revealing her thoughts on it here.

I feel like celery juice has been everywhere lately. Every morning as I lay in my bed and scroll through Instagram (a horrible habit, I know), I swear at least 10 people are already up and at it drinking their celery juice. For the past couple of months, I had been aware of this strange celery juice trend but was honestly quite skeptical of it. I eat pretty healthy and enjoy the occasional green juice, but I wasn’t quite sure that I could get behind the idea of drinking straight celery every morning upon waking up.

I decided to do some research to see exactly what this celery juice hype was all about. There is a great article on Goop that explains the science behind the trend and why celery juice is so good for you. Ultimately, it has been proven that celery juice is amazing for helping get your digestion on track, your skin glowing and your bloating to go away. It is recommended to drink celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

After reading all of the amazing benefits celery juice has to offer, and on a quest to live my healthiest life in 2019, I decided to give the trend a go. I can honestly say, all the buzz behind the celery juice trend is true. Here are my thoughts. I’ve been drinking 8 ounces of celery juice every morning for a little over a month now. When I first tried the juice, I did not like it. Fair warning, it does not taste good. As time has gone on, I have actually grown to enjoy the taste and find it very refreshing to drink first thing in the morning.

I am lazy, don’t have a juicer and am always running late in the mornings as it is, so I do not make my own celery juice. I buy my celery juice pre-made from Pressed Juicery. They have a great deal where you can buy five celery juices for $20. I sometimes even have them delivered to my NYC apartment via Seamless if I am feeling extra lazy (another bad habit, I know). I have tried to buy celery and make the juice myself in my NutriBullet, but it turned into more of a slushy consistency and just did not work for me.

It is recommended that you drink straight celery juice and do not mix or add anything to it as it may alter the benefits that straight celery juice has. The Pressed Juicery celery juice has lemon in it as well, but I have still noticed amazing results. I also think that the lemon helps the taste a bit.

For the first week or so I was drinking it, I did not know that you had to wait 15 minutes after drinking the juice before eating or drinking anything else. I am always so eager to get to my first cup of coffee in the morning, that I was drinking it right after I drank my celery juice. After reading more about celery juice and its benefits, I made myself wait the 15 or so minutes before drinking my coffee. I can say, I noticed that waiting the 15 minutes definitely helps my body to fully digest the juice before eating or drinking anything else.

There are warnings that the celery juice will clean your body out—this was true for me. If you have been having digestion issues, or have been feeling extremely bloated all the time, I highly recommend giving celery juice a try. Just take note that it may make you need to use the bathroom more than usual in the first week or so of drinking it.

Overall, I have noticed a significant decrease in bloating, improved digestion, less cravings for sweets and increased energy in the mornings. I have also noticed that since drinking the celery juice first thing every morning, I definitely choose healthier food options throughout the rest of my day.

I will say that I am definitely not a doctor or nutritionist, but I have noticed great results from drinking celery juice every morning. Keep in mind that all bodies are different and drinking celery juice first thing in the morning may not provide the same benefits for everyone.

I recommend giving the celery juice trend a try for a week to see how it reacts with your body. If you are liking it, I highly suggest sticking with it!

Midwest-born and -raised, Katherine is currently a college student living in NYC where she attends the Fashion Institute of Technology while studying Advertising and Marketing Communications with a focus in Public Relations. She tends to think of herself as a very non-traditional college student. She has a passion for health and wellness, home décor, fashion, city living and so much more. In her free time, you can find her scrolling Pinterest, hitting a workout class or watching HGTV.

Connect with Katherine on Instagram.

Be sure to also check out 5 Healthy And Easy Recipes With 5 Ingredients Or Less or The New Superfoods You Need To Know About!

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