Self-care isn’t linear and it certainly isn’t one-size-fits-all. It looks different for everyone based on their individual needs. What works for me for self-care, might not necessarily work for you. So I thought it would be fun to check in with our team and share our “unusual” routines that work for us and our daily lives. Some are more unusual than others, but it’s fun to see how our team infuses self-care into our day-to-day in ways that work for us.
Driving in my car with the windows down. There is something so therapeutic about driving, and since being in quarantine, I hardly have to drive anywhere. I miss it. Sometimes, I will go for a quick drive—I’ll open all the windows, turn on a great song and sing as loud as I can with the breeze blowing my hair everywhere. It’s surprising how good this makes me feel.
Also, listening to a podcast while I empty the dishwasher. I do this every single day, and it actually is something I look forward to. It gives me about 10 minutes to chill out—no one in my family is allowed to bother me! – Taylor, Founder
I stare at a screen all. day. long. At the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is look at more screens. I’m not a bubble bath, glass of wine kinda gal. Even my self-care needs to have a purpose. I know, I know, how 4w3 of me. I pop in my headphones (the universal sign for my husband and kid to give me some space) and work on a puzzle or arrange flowers. I find both of these rituals so therapeutic and calming, but also worthwhile. I love reading, obviously, but puzzles and flower arranging are my favorite self-care rituals after a long day. – Samantha, Business Manager
I like to turn off the lights in the bathroom, light a candle and take a shower by candlelight in the evenings after my kids go to sleep. It helps me to unwind, take a break from screens and other light I am exposed to all day, and get mentally ready for bed. – Nicole, Copy Editor
If I had a particularly stressful workday, then I definitely need an escape by the end of the day. I like to use the Lake coloring app on my iPad to color whimsical pictures. It makes me so happy to complete a new project. I’m also a planner, so yes, planning is essential for me. I like to take my planner to bed with me and just jot down any last-minute notes or issues bothering so I can handle them in the morning. It’s really helped me get myself together in the a.m. and sleep better because I no longer feel anxious if I write everything out. – Wendy, Editorial Assistant