5 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude is about taking time to appreciate the little life wins and all of the things that make you happy. When you stop to count your blessings, you often realize that your life is actually full of things to be thankful for. However, sometimes the mind is simply too clouded and busy to notice all these blessings. Luckily, the holiday season is the perfect time of the year to start a gratitude practice, and our contributor, Joana Ferreira, is here today to share a few ways to help you practice gratitude daily. Go ahead and try one or two of these and notice the positive change in your well-being and your overall attitude.

1. Start a gratitude journal.

Set the tone for the day ahead by writing down a few things you’re grateful for. Or, if you had a bad day at work, grab your journal before bed to reflect on your blessings. We are all guilty of taking things for granted and focusing on what we don’t have. Instead, use your gratitude journal to celebrate the little wins in life, such as grabbing a good cup of coffee before work or being complimented by someone. Next time you’re feeling down, you’ll have something to look back on.

2. Send a thank you note.

Send thank you notes of appreciation to your loved ones this holiday season. Let them know how thankful you are for something they did for you or just for being in your life. As not many people send handwritten notes these days, this simple act will make someone feel very special.

3. Random acts of gratitude.

We all have bad days, that’s a fact, but next time you catch yourself dwelling on something negative for too long, remind yourself of a few things you’re grateful for. If you’re driving to work while wishing you were still in bed, say out loud five reasons why you appreciate your job. Or, if you’re out to dinner and have a really nice server, give him/her an extra tip.

4. Practice self-love.

Practicing self-love is also an expression of gratitude. It means that you appreciate your body enough to care for it. And when was the last time you did something just for yourself? Take the time to nourish your body, mind and soul. Whether that means buying yourself some flowers, having a pamper session at home or splurging on a piece of clothing you love.

5. Volunteer.

This holiday season, give back to the people in your community. Volunteering will make you more thankful for the things that you may take for granted. By helping others, you will also be helping yourself, as it will give you a sense of purpose and increase your own well-being.

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