A few years ago, I was sitting on an airplane, traveling for work, looking for new podcasts to listen to. I stumbled upon Jocelyn K. Glei’s Hurry Slowly, and I was immediately intrigued by its title. I chose the episode, “Who Are You Without The Doing?” — little did I know at the time that this episode would greatly affect my relationship to work from then on. I mentioned in a recent post that I used to have an unhealthy relationship with work and productivity. I needed to be busy to feel important. I needed to be always “on” to lead by example. But after having my kids, I could no longer keep this up — I was burnt out and apathetic. Listening to this episode helped change my perspective. My values and priorities in life and work have changed. I’m thankful that there are people like Jocelyn who are challenging how we view work and our time.
Since then, I’ve discovered a few more podcast shows that have inspired a slower pace in life. I’m sure there are many more out there, but these are the ones I listen to and enjoy.
“A mix of perspectives on how we can slow down and streamline our relationship with content so that we live, work, and feel better.”
I was on this amazing podcast! Listen to my episode here.
“Hurry Slowly is a podcast about how you can find more calm, comfort, and clarity through the simple act of slowing down.”
“Listen in to learn what makes people change, how life is different once you adopt a slower way of life, and what their advice is to anyone looking to get out of the fast lane.”