“Brainstorm” can be such an ambiguous term, especially when it comes to creativity. There’s the excitement and anticipation that your next idea could be “the big one.” But I personally have been in far too many situations where I get together with others to “brainstorm,” and nothing concrete comes of it. Sure, it may get the wheels spinning, but the majority of the time you walk away without a tangible result. Friends, our time and resources are precious. Let’s not waste it with fruitless brainstorming. The term was actually created by an ad executive that defined it as “the brain to storm a creative problem.” Like, it’s time to freaking ATTACK it. So here we go.
image via our office tour with Hey Maca + Lazy Mom’s Blog
Tip # 1 – Location, location, location
You can’t be creative in a non-creative space. So if you spend each day working in the same office or staring at the same four walls, you need to mix it up. I don’t think your best creative work is going to be done in a crowded coffee shop, but a funky co-working space or your favorite outdoor spot might be just the ticket. The key is to find somewhere that inspires you, but is also comfortable so you can truly do your best work.
Tip # 2 – Defer judgement
Judgement hinders possibilities. It’s the exact opposite manner of thinking that we’re hoping to establish with creative brainstorming. Judgement evaluates what already exists. “Oh, that won’t work because X, Y, Z,” whereas creativity focuses on generating something completely new. Whether brainstorming alone or in a group, make it a ground rule to leave the judgement at the door.
Tip # 3 – Go for quantity, then scale back
The best thing you can do in the creative brainstorming process is not to overthink it. When an idea or theory pops up, don’t question the “how.” Jot it down and start keeping a list of everything that arises out of the brainstorming session. Certain ideas on their own might not be the solution, but you could easily figure out a way to combine a few in order to reach your golden egg.
Tip # 4 – Find inspiration
Don’t think you have to sit in a room and magically pull a brand-new, original idea out of thin air. Inspiration is everywhere—fashion, art, nature, etc. For a recent project we were working on, Taylor went to her local library and poured over old art books to help her get her creative juices flowing. We would never, ever encourage a copycat, you need to create your own shit, but it’s great to feel inspired by things around you.
Tip #5 – Get visual
I personally really like those giant Post-it notes that I can write on and slap up on the wall. But maybe you prefer colorful bunches of Post-its, or a white board? Feel free to get really “Good Will Hunting” with it. Having something visual in front of you helps keep the process moving forward. There’s nothing worse than staring at a blank page, am I right?
OK friends, now get out there and create something beautiful. Don’t forget to sign up for our Creativity newsletter for more tips + inspiration.