A Month Of Self-Love

A Month Of Self-LoveWhen was the last time you scheduled something just for you? Not because you had to but because you actually wanted to. It’s hard to remember, isn’t it? Your life is busy, we get that. But you come first—don’t ever forget that. It’s time to acknowledge that you are important and start giving yourself some TLC. Contrary to what some people think, self-care is not selfish or indulgent. Instead, it’s essential in order to have a healthy mind and body.

To celebrate the beginning of February, the month of love, we created a calendar with 28 self-love ideas for every day of the month. So, grab your planner and make sure to schedule a few minutes each day for self-love. And don’t forget to follow through with it. Make self-love a part of your daily routine. Make YOU a priority. Need ideas? Check out our self-love plan for February!

1: Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself. Check out: 5 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Daily.
2: Kick off the weekend by buying yourself some flowers.
3: Call someone you’ve been meaning to catch up with.

Weekly Self-Love Idea: Try to drink eight glasses of water a day this week. See if you can make it a habit for the entire month.

4: Start reading a book you’ve been wanting to read, but haven’t made the time for yet. Make sure to check out our most recent book list.
5: Set aside some time to clean out your email inbox. Organize emails into folders and delete spam.
6: Write down 10 things you are grateful for.
7: Try a new workout that you’ve been wanting to do and enlist a friend to join you. Check out: 5 Fun Workout Classes To Do With Your Friends.
8: Go to bed 30 minutes earlier tonight.
9: Stay in tonight and binge-watch your favorite TV show. Check out some of our favorite recent binge-worthy shows.
10: Visit a place in or around your town that you’ve been wanting to go to, like a café, museum or boutique. Get some ideas here.

Weekly Self-Love Idea: Go for a walk each day this week.

11: Give yourself a skincare pampering session with your favorite masks and products. Check out Overnight Masks That Will Leave Your Skin Radiant By Morning // The Best Masks To Use From Your Head To Your Toes 
12: Unsubscribe from email marketing you don’t want to keep up with.
13: Compliment a stranger.
14: Write a letter to yourself explaining why you are unique.
15: Create a playlist of all your favorite songs. Follow Glitter Guide and Taylor Sterling on Spotify to check out some of our favorite tunes.
16: Try to go the whole day without complaining about anything.
17: Treat yourself to a massage.

Weekly Self-Love Idea: Avoid the internet and phone for an hour before bed.

18: Have a social media-free day. Check out: 10 Ways To Take A Social Media Detox.
19: Put on your coziest pjs and read a new magazine in bed. We absolutely love Lake and Lunya pajamas!
20: Have a sugar-free day.
21: Have a phone-free evening to focus on being in the moment with your family and yourself.
22: List five things you love about your job.
23: Plan a staycation, a little trip or just a day of fun for you and your bestie in the coming month. 
24: Treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure. Here’s How To Get A Salon Manicure At Home.

Weekly Self-Love Idea: Stretch for 15 minutes every day.

25: Try a new yoga class and grab brunch with a friend afterwards.
26: Turn off electronic notifications for the evening and enjoy a candlelit bath or a relaxing shower. These are a few of our current favorites:

*Make sure to signup for our newsletter. We’re going to be sending out a fun one this Friday with lots of ideas for more self-love and some free goodies! 



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Author: Abby Vancisin

Abby is always on the hunt for affordable fashion, beauty and décor. Abby and Taylor are not related—that they know of ... Follow along on Instagram!