7 Work-From-Home Outfits That Get You Out Of Your Pajamas

OK, show of hands, who has gotten dressed in the past 24 hours? 48? 72? And changing from one pair of pajamas to the next doesn’t count, as much as we wish it could. One of the top tips we always share when working from home is to make sure you are changing out of your pajamas before working each day. Even if it’s changing from pajamas to sweatpants, as long as you’re taking it up one notch, it helps shift your mindset. So we went to our favorite source for inspiration, Instagram, for some work-from-home outfit ideas to get you out of your pajamas.

via Morgan Austerweil

Get the look:


via Kiyanna Stewart

Get the look:


via Christina Winkelmann

Get the look:


via Ashley Kim

Get the look:


via Cassandra Dawn

Get the look:


via Ashley Ballard

Get the look:


via Emma Loughridge

Get the look:


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Author: Samantha Welker

Samantha Welker is the business manager at Glitter Guide. She has an Master's in Corporate Finance & Sustainability from Harvard Business School but prefers working in the creative industry. She also hosts a weekly business podcast for creative women called Pretty Okay Podcast. She loves spending time with her husband and her son, Rocky, in sunny San Diego. Follow along on Instagram